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Micellar water: what is it and how to use it?

Despite the incredible popularity of micellar water, many people use this cosmetic product incorrectly.

Let's get to know with the experts the advantages and disadvantages of micellar water, what is it for and whether it is necessary to wash it off with normal water after use.

What is micellar water?

Micellar water is a cosmetic that consists of surfactants (surfactants). The fine surfactant particles, micelles, are responsible for removing keratinized skin particles, dirt, grease, and makeup from the face. They are two-layered spheres: the outer layer attracts water-soluble components and the inner layer repels water, at the same time attracting fat-soluble components. As a result of this structure micelles attract impurities and particles of cosmetic products, which are then easily removed from the surface of the skin.

Many people confuse micellar water with a tonic, but they have completely different compositions, properties and functions. If the first product cleanses the skin, the second - tones.

The first micelle-based solutions, discovered by scientists at Bristol University in 1913, were designed to care for children's skin and to combat eczema or acne. It was not until 1995 that the pharmacist Jean-Noël Thorel fine-tuned the formula and offered his innovative product as an alternative to "hard" tap water.

Why use micellar water?

Cleansing the skin

This is where surfactants come in. Surfactants can be natural (e.g. coconut oil based), chemical (polyethylene glycol) or synthetic (poloxamers).

Moisturizing your skin

Floral water and vegetable glycerine provide additional hydration.

Makeup remover

Just hold a cotton pad soaked in micellar water on the skin for a few seconds and professional makeup will stay on. The main thing is not to forget to rinse the rest of the product with warm water.

Composition of micellar water

Micellar water contains:

  • water - to moisturize and restore the skin;
  • Hydrolates - an analogue of flower water that helps to moisturize;
  • Surfactants - tensides, glucosides, poloxamers or polyethylene glycol, responsible for cleansing;
  • vegetable glycerin for extra hydration of the skin.

Manufacturers add additional ingredients to micellar water, such as essential oil hydrolates, plant extracts, minerals and vitamins, flavorings. It is these additives can cause an individual allergic reaction.

You should not buy micellar water if it contains soap or alcohol, which dries the skin and can damage its protective barrier.

How to use micellar water

Moisten a cotton pad with a small amount of the product, otherwise it will be harder to remove the micellar water from the face, but the quality of the result will not be affected.
Smoothly wipe your face.
If you want to remove makeup from the eyes, press the cotton pad gently against the eyelid and move it from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.
Rinse off any excess product with warm water.

Do I need to wash out micellar water?

There's a lot of controversy over this question. On the one hand, it is written on the labels that it is not necessary to wash off the micellar water. But often this cosmetic is used in the evening to remove makeup and cleanse the skin. If you do not wash your face after using micellar water, the micelle residue with small dirt particles can clog pores and provoke acne. Not washing after using micellar water also carries other risks.

Possible risks of using micellar water

May cause dryness and irritation

Products with more than 20% PEG (polyethylene glycol emulsifier) can compromise skin barrier protection.

Can lead to acne

If you don't rinse micellar water after demake-up, the fine particles of dirt and micelles will remain on your skin. If they accumulate in your pores, they can cause pimples.

May cause allergies.

Essential oils or fragrances in micellar water can cause allergies. If you know about your predisposition to individual intolerance to any products, read the composition of the product carefully.
2022-09-22 21:36