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How to take care of oily hair

The problem of greasy hair is related to the activation of large production of sebum, normally it serves to protect the hair from pollution and their moisture. But in the case of high sebum production, the hair starts to get greasy and hang down in unpleasant, clumpy and heavy strands.

Why is our hair oily?

Most often due to the oily hair is genetic, but there are a number of reasons that provoke the activation of sebum production: stress, chronic fatigue, nervousness, poorly chosen shampoo, unbalanced diet and more. In order to normalize the sebaceous glands, it is important to have a proper diet and to choose the right hair care products, give preference to ultra-soft and PH-neutral shampoos, they can be used quite often, because they do not have an aggressive effect on the hair.

Helpful habits

  • Don't use metal combs, especially if your hair gets tangled a lot. Pay attention to the teeth, they should be smooth and rounded. It is not recommended to choose a comb with frequent and narrow teeth, as their usage would activate the sebum secretion.
  • The health of the hair begins with a balanced diet, it should include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, allowing to eliminate toxins from the human body, also normalize the work of your gastrointestinal tract.
  • In addition to taking care of your hair and eating the right foods, it's your lifestyle that determines how healthy and strong your hair looks. You should sleep for at least eight hours every day, avoid stressful situations, take additional supplements containing B vitamins, calcium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, zinc and various other nutrients.
  • It is not recommended for greasy hair to use gel for hair styling, it gives your hair an unhealthy look and makes it even more greasy.
  • You should be especially careful to use cosmetics for hair, based on oils, because using oils makes your hair less fluffy and voluminous, it weighs the hair. Our hair artists will help you choose the right cosmetics and masks.

Oily hair. How to wash and dry properly

To wash overly oily hair, you do not need to use a large amount of shampoo and apply it directly to the hair. You need a small amount of shampoo, dilute with water, to lather, and then apply to the hair. To provoke an increased production of sebum, do not wash your hair with hot water or dry it with a hair dryer at high temperatures. Before washing your hair, do a light massage on the scalp - it is good for activating microcirculation. It is recommended to end the washing of hair with a cold water rinse, which gives your hair a shine and toning. When drying with a hair dryer it is necessary to use only a low temperature mode, to keep it at least fifteen centimeters from the head and not to dry one area more than fifteen seconds.
2022-12-29 16:06