If you've noticed tiny white flakes on your hair, know that you're not alone. Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. There's no need to panic, but hoping it will go away on its own is also not advisable. To restore your hair to its best condition, you need to find the root cause of the problem and adjust your hair care routine.
Wash your hair as it gets dirty, do not shorten the intervals between washes to avoid disrupting the natural lipid balance. Choose an appropriate shampoo for dry dandruff. The water should be lukewarm; very hot water can have a drying effect. Use peels and scrubs for the scalp no more than once a week, and thoroughly rinse the product after use. Temporarily avoid using a hairdryer in favor of natural drying or use the cool setting. A special shampoo can help manage noticeable flaking and restore your hair’s beauty and attractiveness.